Welcome to my nook world...
I'm still learning to do navigate through this entire blog world and hope to learn how to post my reviews, favorite books lists, bookish music playlists, freebies I find and would like to share, along with new book cover reveals, release blitz...much much more along with posting my book teasers, edits and graphics on here to share with all of my book community.
My name is Jen, not Jennifer lol. I hate answering to that, it makes me think I'm about to be grounded and that's just not cool at 38yrs old.
A lot of my book community and friends I have made through social media know me as my user name @LakerL24vr.
I am a wife (September 4, 2009) a mother, sister and friend. NY born and raised, now Carolina loving this Carolina living.
I've been proudly losing myself in motherhood for the past 18yrs. I have two teenagers, a daughter- Mandi (18 yrs old) and my son- Joshua (15 yrs old). Along with the 784,983.000 teeners that never seem to leave Momma J's.
My kids are older and now I get to enjoy more ME time. My husband, David 35, is awaiting a heart transplant due to ACSHF. I hadn't read a novel front-to-back as an adult, remembering or enjoying everything about it in a short enough time span to fall in love with one since I became a mom. During the twelve days I was camping out in the cardiac ICU when my husband was hit with a massive heart attack at age 29, I was handed a novel - This Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas, by another wife equally trying to be anywhere but where we were. A few of us wives all there, refusing to leave, became quite close. I guess they knew better than I did how I needed to get out of my own head...without physically leaving where we all were...trying to express how I needed to be able to lose myself without leaving a char... we weren't exactly local to where we lived, I didn't watch television and we were broke beyond belief, since we were living off his truckers paycheck to paycheck while I was attending the last of my college semesters. I have no interest in daytime t.v. and of course didn't want to wake my husband having it on in the first place. Let's remember...there's only so much solitaire you can play on a cell phone, before losing your mind.
All the *feels* I shared within the book (not all good) and having it take me exactly where I needed to go while I was by my husband's side during that time... I have no words, it's really a rather un-healthy love affair with how I got lost (Jesse was a bit weird for me, but loved the novel as a whole). It brought back my teenage love for reading, that in itself is worth a gazillion bucks.
What Ms. Danni (my new 64 yr old friend and the wife of another heart patient on the cardiac ICU at Carolina UNC Hospitals) did for me that day when she handed me that book - I have no words. I could pick it up and leave it as needed, it was always there for ME and allowed me to be by my husband's side during that time - always there when I need to pick it up, get lost and spend time with my new friends in the world of Jesse. Then she brought my the next two in the series...and then introduced me to Gideon in the Crossfire Series. Ms. Danni just kept bringing books and books, and books....and I FLOVED it!
This past Mother's Day 2015, my husband and kiddos bought me a Samsung Galaxy tablet nook7. I never was one to read or appreciate ebooks - your supposed to own the book, be able to touch it and turn the pages, right? I never knew much about those ebooks or the entire world that seems to come with them, which has became mine and changed my life.
I think my nook7 was the best material gift I have ever received. I can't be without it. I still have a love for my paperbacks, however; now I purchase them as they become my favorites and only to add to my collection - let's be honest... the damn things are expensive and when you buy as you read.. you could go without food in the house. lol
So, anyway, I have been engulfed with my novels ever since.
I started using Instagram and teaching myself twitter
Still learning all social media, blogs, reading apps & manners lol. I am a beach lifer, wine guzzler and nook hugger. <3 to my all my booksisters who have welcomed and showered me into the fabulous book community.
I started using Instagram and teaching myself twitter
Still learning all social media, blogs, reading apps & manners lol. I am a beach lifer, wine guzzler and nook hugger. <3 to my all my booksisters who have welcomed and showered me into the fabulous book community.